The Risks of a Guarantee - Why Guaranteeing a Number of Meetings is a Bad Plan

We’ve all heard it before—do you guarantee meetings? It sounds like a reasonable question, but it’s actually one of the worst things you can ask your scheduler. While it’s tempting to expect a set number of meetings, what truly matters is the quality of those meetings, not just the quantity.

The Problem with Guarantees

A scheduler is a vital part of your strategy, but they aren’t the only factor influencing success. If your territory has weak relationships, outdated data, or an underperforming product, even the best scheduler can’t guarantee packed calendars. Focusing purely on numbers risks filling your schedule with low-value meetings rather than impactful ones.

Keep Your Data Clean

Just like a chef can’t make a great meal with bad ingredients, your scheduler can’t book strong meetings with outdated or incomplete data. Keep your contact list fresh, ensure accurate details, and refine your outreach to maximize success.

Communication is Key

Regular check-ins with your scheduler ensure they stay aligned with your goals. Weekly updates keep their efforts targeted and adaptable, ensuring a strategy-driven approach rather than a blind numbers game.

Focusing on results, clean data, and strong communication will get you as close as possible to a guaranteed outcome—without sacrificing quality.

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“Surviving the Grizzly” Handling Aggressive Clients | Part Three: Know When to Play Dead.