How to Thrive as a Financial Wholesaler: “Surviving Pirates” - Turning Pirates into Partners
All wholesalers know a few pirates -- they are the exhausted office assistant, the overwhelmed junior partner, and the dubious advisor. This crew of surly characters can steal your productivity with a single slash of their sword, pirating your calendar and leaving you stranded.
But what if you flipped your perception and began to see these marauders as less of an enemy and more of an ally? Here are a few easy steps to turn pirates into partners:
1. Pirates ahoy!
Learn to identify the saboteurs in your circle. Pro-tip: it may be you. The humorless gatekeeper, the overworked assistant, and the “I only work with so- and-so” advisor all see you as the pirate – just another wholesaler just trying to get in and grab as much loot as they can. And they love defending their riches by firing objections at you and your team.
Approach these types as partners, not as achievements, and watch them lower their cannons.
2. Your treasure…not theirs
Yes, those white whale advisors are out there, just begging to be stormed and plundered. But instead of eyeing their booty loot with a hungry eye (the good one…not the one with the patch) look instead to your own fortunes. You would never offer water to a sailor – you would offer items they need.
3. Embrace the white flag
No one likes to go down without a fight. You fend off projectiles all day long with “I’m not interested,” and “I don’t have time,” and keep sailing ahead despite it all.
But it’s okay to surrender for the moment. Take the hint, let the advisor know you’re not trying to hijack their ship, and offer your availability in the future.
Wholesalers will always face resistance. It’s a part of the dance. But it’s futile to battle your way through your career. Establishing your role, creating value, and being an ally will help you turn this cast of pirates into a cadre of partners.