Turn Your Calendar into a Powerhouse of Productivity

Here’s a Tip & a Trick

Working with an ESA scheduler goes beyond simply adding appointments to your calendar. When you include them as a member of your team and share your vision and goals, you significantly increase your chances of success.

As motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” This is the essence of goal setting. In fact, research shows that you’re 42% more likely to achieve your goals by clearly defining them¹. What’s more, individuals who set detailed goals can earn up to nine times more than those who don’t².

However, goal setting isn’t something you can do impulsively. It requires dedicated focus, introspection, and a well-thought-out plan. No one can craft your path to success but you.

According to Mitch Santala, CEO of Executive Scheduling Associates, the foundation of success begins with setting clear targets. Here are a couple of questions to consider:

  • What does success look like for you?

  • What does success feel like for you?

In addition to personal targets, it’s essential to consider the external goals tied to your career. Sales quotas, revenue milestones, meeting objectives, and activity metrics are all part of the bigger picture. Ultimately, success in your career comes down to the numbers – and high-quality meetings lead to higher sales.

Finally, it’s just as important to not overlook the goals that extend beyond work. Whether it’s your spiritual well-being, family time, or health pursuits, these areas contribute to a well-rounded sense of purpose and are vital to achieving a balanced life.

Once you’ve taken the time to refine your objectives, the next step is to align them with your scheduler. By sharing your roadmap to success, you empower them to become an integral part of achievement. The clearer and more specific you are about your desired outcomes, the more effective your scheduler will be in helping you get there.

Consider defining key outcomes such as:

  • Who are the key people you want to meet with?

  • Are there any individuals or types of meetings you want to avoid?

  • What’s the ideal number of meetings per day, week, or month?

  • What are your priority firms or contacts for focused attention?

  • What are the objectives for your one-on-one and lunch meetings?

  • How will you implement consistent 90-day follow-up rotations?

After you’ve clarified your goals and aligned your team, the final and most empowering step is to step aside. Trust in the tools and people you’ve put in place and watch as your well-structured plan unfolds. With your scheduler on board and clear outcomes in focus, you’ll see the results you’ve been working toward—watch the magic happen.

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